June 10, 2024
Global Renewable News

National Carbon Price a Step in the Right Direction

October 4, 2016

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's announcement that all provinces will have to choose between implementing a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system is a step in the right direction.

Renewable Industries Canada (RICanada) supports the federal government's leadership in moving quickly on climate change, and believes that climate policies such as carbon pricing can be used to support the production and consumption of low-carbon fuels and products.

"Canadian biofuels producers are our country's low-carbon pioneers," said RICanada President Andrea Kent. "Government policies that reduce emissions and support production and consumption of low-carbon products are good for the environment and the economy. Today's (10/3) announcement is an important step forward, and sets the stage for complementary measures, such as increased renewable fuels mandates, that are critical to ensure transportation emission reductions in the near and longer term."

"Carbon pricing will drive clean economic growth if implemented in a way that ensures investors of low carbon products are rewarded," said RICanada Board Chair Jim Grey. "Biofuels are proven to be the cleanest and most sustainable source of liquid fuel available. The renewable fuels sector has made important economic and GHG emission reduction contributions, and is poised to further help the federal government meet its climate change targets."

About Renewable Industries Canada

Founded in 1984, Renewable Industries Canada (RICanada) is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote the use of value-added products made from renewable resources through consumer awareness and government liaison activities.

For more information

Renewable Industries Canada


William Meyer
Manager, Communications and Stakeholder Relations
613-594-5528 ext 228