June 8, 2024
Global Renewable News

In Geothermal Energy, What Is Essential Is Balanced and Sustainable Growth

August 28, 2017

Zorlu Energy General Manager in charge of Investments, Operation and Maintenance, Ali Kındap, delivered a speech in the Geothermal Reservoir Management Panel held on the second day of the conference and he said:"In Turkey, geothermal energy sector is growing fast. The installed power in our country, which is currently 860MW, is expected to reach 1,500 MW after the realization of investments planned for 2020. In this fast growth, what is essential is to provide a sustainable and balanced growth."

Having stated that geothermal energy plants can operate as base plants, Kındap added: "The fact that geothermal energy can be used as a base energy generation source makes it different than other renewable energy sources. 1,500MW of installed geothermal power is equal to 4,500MW of installed power in wind energy and 8,000-9,000MW in solar energy" he explained.

"Private sector - university partnerships are very important"

Having emphasized that geothermal energy investments are long term investments, Kındap underlined the importance of private sector - university partnerships and said: "The major problem in the sector is experienced in reservoir management. Failure in correct management has a negative impact on sustainability and thus efficiency. As Zorlu Energy, we attach great importance to partnerships with universities for scientifically realized reservoir management and we undertake a leading role in this field. We established a partnership with one university in all the areas we operate. We will continue these partnerships also in our future investments for a balanced and sustainable growth."

 Providing 73% of the total installed power in Turkey from local and renewable energy sources, Zorlu Energy carries out all its geothermal energy investments with a vision of responsible investor.  As the investor of 3 geothermal power plants, Zorlu is planning to increase its total installed power to more than 300MW by commissioning the Kızıldere III power plant, which will have 165MW of installed power, by the end of the year. 

At the end of the panel, Head of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Department of ITU, Gürşat Altun, presented a plaque of appreciation to Kındap for his contributions.

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