June 12, 2024
Global Renewable News

41st World Energy Engineering Congress 2018

Association of Energy Engineers
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Start Date:
October 17, 2018
End Date:
October 19, 2018
We invite you to be a part of the nation's largest, most active buying venue for end user energy products and services – the World Energy Engineering Congress (WEEC).
There's no better opportunity for your sales team to directly reach thousands of top energy management decision makers from throughout the U.S. and abroad. The WEEC expo is attended each year by the nation's leading energy professionals in business, industry, and government who seek the best solutions for all aspects of today's energy cost and supply challenges.
As an exhibitor at the WEEC, you’ll meet face to face with key buyers representing the commercial, industrial, institutional, and governmental segments of the energy marketplace. There's no better opportunity for your sales team to directly reach thousands of top energy management decision-makers from throughout the U.S. and abroad.

Contact: Ashley Clark, Exhibit Manager 770-279-4392 ashley@aeecenter.org 

October 17-18, 2018
Charlotte Convention Center, Hall A
501 S. College Street
Charlotte, NC  28202

Additional information

AEE's industry trade shows (GLOBALCON, West Coast Energy Management Congress, World Energy Engineering Congress) allows you to network with professionals and colleagues in the energy field, get up to speed on the latest energy management strategies and applications, and see the newest technologies first hand. AEE conference/expo events spans the continental U.S., and explore innovations in energy efficient technologies for facilities, renewable and alternative energy, automated building systems, efficient HVAC and lighting systems, energy services, project financing options, and much more.

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