June 15, 2024
Global Renewable News

City Of Beverly Hills Vehicles Run Smoothly With Renewable Diesel

December 7, 2018

The second generation of biofuels and renewable diesel is here, but what does that mean for Beverly Hills fleet manager Craig Crowder? For Crowder and his fleet of 445 vehicles, it means better performance, reduced maintenance, and a more sustainable way to serve the city.

The logistics that go into managing a fleet with 99 different classifications of vehicles everything from lawn and garden machines to fire and garbage trucks is incomprehensible to most Beverly Hills residents. To Crowder, this is just everyday life.

City of Beverly HIll's Extensive Fleet Experiences Better Performance and Reduced Maintenance with Neste MY Renewable Diesel

"We have a lot of different types of vehicles," said Crowder, who has been with the City of Beverly Hills for more than 25 years. "My biggest concern with switching fuel types was the transition and what accommodations would have to be made. Thankfully, with Neste MY Renewable Diesel, it was a drop-in product that required no change in infrastructure."

Neste MY Renewable Diesel is a low-carbon fuel produced from 100 percent renewable and sustainable raw materials, primarily wastes and residues. The premium diesel cuts greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80 percent, reduces carbon monoxide by 24 percent and fine particulates by 33 percent, all while enhancing fleet performance. Neste MY is a direct replacement fuel that requires no blending and is compatible with all diesel engines.

It was in June of 2013 that Crowder decided to make the switch from petroleum-based ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) to Neste MY Renewable Diesel.

"After switching to Neste MY, we noticed that our fuel systems were very clean, even cleaner than they had been while using ULSD," Crowder said. "Our DPFs [diesel particulate filters] were performing better, and annual maintenance was simple and efficient. Our trucks had improved performance, better power, and less smoke emission."

Making the decision to switch wasn't easy. Crowder had previously tried other alternative fuels that didn't perform the way he hoped.

"In 2011, mass-produced alternative fuels were just coming into the marketplace, and regulation was rare," Crowder said. "Fast-forward to today and the technology in the alternative fuel sector, and Neste MY Renewable Diesel in particular, is leaps and bounds beyond its beginnings."

Crowder is proud to report that his fleet now runs on 100 percent renewable diesel an important part of the City of Beverly Hills's sustainability plan.

"Reducing our emissions is key in helping make our city more environmentally friendly," Crowder said. "Making the switch to Neste MY Renewable Diesel was such an easy thing to do and has been a win-win for the community and our fleet."

Neste MY Renewable Diesel is available to public and private fleets in California through authorized distributors. IPC (USA), Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Itochu Corporation,  headquartered in Santa Ana, Calif., and is the exclusive distributor in southern California for Neste MY Renewable Diesel to the City of Beverly Hills. IPC is also a wholesale fuel distributor of other products serving public and private sector businesses throughout the entire US. Using exclusive distributors ensures supply chain integrity and guarantees its high quality. Learn more at USIPC.com.

About Neste Corporation

Neste (NESTE, Nasdaq Helsinki) creates sustainable solutions for transport, business, and consumer needs. Our wide range of renewable products enable our customers to reduce climate emissions. We are the world's largest producer of renewable diesel refined from waste and residues, introducing renewable solutions also to the aviation and plastics industries. We are also a technologically advanced refiner of high-quality oil products. We want to be a reliable partner with widely valued expertise, research, and sustainable operations. In 2017, Neste's revenue stood at $16.2 billion. In 2018, Neste placed second on the Global 100 list of the most sustainable companies in the world. Read more at NesteMY.com.

Media Contact:
Helen Deian
Neste US, Inc.

For more information

Neste Corporation
