June 1, 2024
Global Renewable News

Iberdrola installs a floating system off the coast of Brazil for wind measurement studies

April 16, 2024

Iberdrola, through its Brazilian subsidiary Neoenergia, has installed a floating LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) system to collect data on wind and sea characteristics in an area off the north coast of Rio de Janeiro.

In this way, Neoenergia is taking an important step in advancing studies on the development of offshore wind power generation in the country. The LiDAR technology has the highest performance rating, which allows for greater accuracy and reliability of the data. Among other functions, the sensor is capable of remotely measuring, by means of laser beams, the speed and direction of the wind, based on the movement of air particles, in ranges from 10 to 300 metres high.

You can read the full story in the Neoenergia Press Room page.

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