June 8, 2024
Global Renewable News

Abengoa completes its first photovoltaic plant in India

May 2, 2017

Abengoa (MCE: ABG/P:SM), the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the energy and environment sectors, has satisfactorily completed its first photovoltaic plant in India. It is a Project with a capacity of MW that Abengoa has undertaken for Enerparc Energy, the Company that has expertise in the development, engineering, construction and operation of photovoltaic systems on a large scale. The plant is located in northern India, in Roorkee which is in the Uttarakhand state.

Abengoa was involved with the supply and assembly of the support structure, the modules assembly, as well as the construction of the electrical buildings, the fencing, urbanizing works and the assembly of the module cleaning system.   

Thanks to this project, India is closer to achieving the initiative that the government has set of 100 GW of solar energy by 2022. An ambitious plan has been drawn up to reach this target.  

Abengoa was also selected recently to manufacture and supply the steel structures for two photovoltaic projects (130 MW solar plants) that Gamesa will construct for the Indian company Atria Power as turn-key projects. In addition, Abengoa is   aslo involved in the execution of another 3 MW Project in Aligarh.

The company has developed a number of projects across the country in the energy transmission sector as well as that of water. With regard to the latter, the company has constructed the country's largest desalination plant, located in Chennai, which has the capacity to desalinate 100,000 m3 of water each day and supply drinking water to over 700,000 people.

About Abengoa

Abengoa (MCE: ABG/P:SM) applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the energy and environment sectors, generating electricity from renewable resources, converting biomass into biofuels and producing drinking water from sea water.

For more information



Cristina Cabrera Angulo
Communication Department
+34 954 93 71 11

Izaskun Artucha Corta
Investor Relations & Capital Markets
+34 954 93 71 11

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