June 3, 2024
Global Renewable News

Geminor signs new Danish contract for 2018

March 6, 2018
Geminor has made an impressive start to 2018, announcing a renewed contract to deliver 55,000 tonnes of solid recovered fuel (SRF) per annum to one of Europe's leading cement producers.

Ålborg Portland, based in the Danish city of Ålborg, uses SRF to power its cement kiln. The agreement will see Geminor coordinate the delivery of high-grade SRF to the facility. Of this, 30,000 tonnes will be sourced from the UK, while a further 25,000 tonnes will be supplied from markets across Northern Europe, via Geminor's warehouse facility at Ålborg Port.

Commenting on the agreement, Tim Andersen, country manager at Geminor Denmark, said: "Our contact with Ålborg Portland marks an exciting start to the new year. As one of Europe's foremost cement manufacturers, the business makes a fantastic addition to our growing client portfolio.

"A key benefit of the relationship is Geminor's warehouse facility at the port of Ålborg. Located just a stone's throw away from the Ålborg Portland site, we're able to transport bales of SRF direct from ship to warehouse in a minimal amount of time."

The agreement, which will run for two years, is the latest in a long-line of contract wins or extensions for the European secondary fuels specialist.

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