Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) attended and sponsored a table at the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) Sponsor Event on September 9th 2017. This event took place in the Anheuser Busch Mansion at Grants Farm in St. Louis, Missouri.
Funds from this event support the NWTF's "Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt." initiative. Last year Rudi Roeslein sponsored the 8th Annual Governor's Youth Turkey Hunt by opening up his Osage County land to Chris Brown, a sixth grade youth from Fayette Middle School who had never experienced the rush and excitement of turkey hunting; the thing Rudi himself was so passionate about. On the day of the hunt Rudi accompanied Chris, Brendan Sneed and Brandon Butler on the successful hunt that ended with Chris' first turkey.
The NWTF organization is something RAE takes pride in sponsoring as its mission and values line up with its own. When the National Wild Turkey Federation was founded in 1973, there were an estimated 1.5 million wild turkeys in North America. After decades of work, that number hit a historic high of almost 7 million turkeys. Today, the NWTF is focused on the future of hunting and conservation through its "Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt." initiative - a charge that mobilizes science, fundraising and devoted volunteers to conserve or enhance more than 4 million acres of essential wildlife habitat, recruit at least 1.5 million hunters and open access to 500,000 acres for hunting. For more information, visit
Roeslein Alternative Energy was founded in 2012 as an operator and developer of renewable energy production facilities that converts agricultural and industrial wastes, along with renewable biomass feedstocks to renewable natural gas and sustainable co-products. RAE engages in these business operations with a focus on incorporating native prairie restoration. RAE is a limited liability corporation with its principal office located in St. Louis, Missouri. To find out more, please visit