June 11, 2024
Global Renewable News

City celebrates ninth solar energy installation

March 20, 2017

The City of Guelph now has nine solar photovoltaic systems installed across the city, as part of the City's commitment to generating more local, renewable electricity in support of Guelph's Community Energy Initiative and the Corporate Energy Management Plan.

"Last week clean solar electricity started flowing from the City's ninth photovoltaic system, located on the roof of the Lyon Park pool building," explains Alex Chapman, manager of the newly created Climate Change Office. "These types of projects further Guelph's position as a solar energy champion."

Solar photovoltaic systems have been installed at the following City-owned facilities:

  • Lyon Park pool (301 York Road)
  • Guelph Fire Headquarters (50 Wyndham Street South)
  • Fire Hall #3 (115 Stone Road West)
  • Fire Hall #5 (380 Elizabeth Street)
  • Lawn Bowling Club (124 Gordon Street)
  • City of Guelph Operations building (45 Municipal Street)
  • River Run Centre (35 Woolwich Street)
  • Speedvale water tower (461 Speedvale Avenue West)
  • Guelph Youth Music Centre (75 Cardigan Street)

The electricity generated from the systems is sold to the Independent Electricity System Operator as part of the MicroFIT program, adding electricity into the provincial grid.  Each system produces slightly more electricity per year than that used by an average Ontario home. Total revenue generated from the nine sites since 2014 is $91,000.

The systems are owned by Envida Community Energy Inc., with the exception of 75 Cardigan Street, which is owned by the Guelph Youth Music Centre. These partnerships allow the City to work with community organizations to generate revenue that is invested back into the community and the City.

"By generating clean electricity from solar panels installed on the roofs of City buildings and land under the Speedvale water tower, Envida Community Energy Inc. is proud to be contributing to community well-being," says Pankaj Sardana, Chief Executive Officer of Envida Community Energy Inc.

"It's hard to believe it has been almost three years  since our decision to install solar panels, generate power and move to renewable energy," says Gabriella Currie-Ziegler, Executive Director of the Guelph Youth Music Centre. "Our mandate is to enrich the lives of children and youth through music and the arts, and within that, help to create a better future. Solar energy helps ensure a better tomorrow and that's important to us."

For more information

City of Guelph
City Hall, 1 Carden St
Guelph Ontario
Canada N1H 3A1