September 24, 2024
Global Renewable News

Electric Circuit announces two new fast-charge stations for all-electric vehicles now in service in Québec

June 26, 2015

The Electric Circuit is very pleased to announce that two 400-V fast-charge stations are now available to electric vehicle owners in Québec thanks to the support of Nissan Canada and under partnership agreements with AddÉnergie and CAA-Québec. One such station is located at the headquarters of AddÉnergie, at 2327, boulevard du Versant-Nord, at the intersection of AutoRoutes 440 and 740. The other fast-charge station is located outside of the offices of CAA-Québec, at 444, rue Bouvier, near autoroutes 40 and 973.

A third fast-charge station is anticipated sometime during the year in the Québec region in Lévis at Carrefour Saint-Romuald, in close proximity to the bridges and near the intersection of autoroutes 20 and 73.

"Québec is in the process of positioning itself as a leader in the areas of transport electrification and the fight against greenhouse gas emissions, which the transport sector is mainly responsible for producing. By contributing to the development and expansion of the network of electric vehicle charging stations, AddÉnergie and CAA-Québec-two Québec-based companies-as well as Nissan are demonstrating that transport electrification is well underway in Québec", said Pierre Arcand, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and Minister Responsible for the Northern Plan.

"AddÉnergie is proud to offer electric vehicle drivers a fast-charge station at its Québec headquarters. We salute the leadership shown by Hydro-Québec and Nissan Canada which strives to promote the rollout of the fast-charge infrastructure in the Electric Circuit. This fast-charge solution was developed at our head office and that the stations are manufactured at our plant in Shawinigan, thanks to the support of the Québec government. This is a great example of job creation for Québec'', said Louis Tremblay, President and Chief Executive Officer of AddÉnergie.

"CAA-Québec has always kept user mobility needs at the heart of its concerns. By inaugurating this fast-charge station at our head office, we are yet again confirming our commitment towards a clean and renewable energy that meets the needs of the owners of a new generation of vehicles. Being present in the day-to-day activities of users means adapting to new realities and taking concrete action. This is our commitment now'', said Richard Lachance, President and Chief Executive Officer of CAA-Québec.

"Nissan is thrilled to be a major partner of the Electric Circuit's expansion through the installation of DC fast chargers. Sales of the Nissan LEAF are on the rise, and it's partly because of projects like this one led by Hydro-Québec, which shows confidence in this rapidly growing vehicle market. Today's (June 26) announcement of these two new DC Fast Charger installations signals a huge landmark for zero-emission mobility in the province of Québec. It allows a range of EVs, including the Nissan LEAF to quickly extend their journeys, while reducing CO2 emissions, and concurrently helping more people make the decision to switch to electric", said Christian Meunier, President of Nissan Canada Inc.

"I would like to thank our partners, Nissan, AddÉnergie and CAA-Québec for their considerable support of the Electric Circuit and all electric vehicle drivers. These two new fast-charge stations, the first to be commissioned in 2015, are part of our commitment to deploy 50 fast-charge stations across Québec by the end of 2016 in order to meet the needs of current and future owners of electric vehicles", said France Lampron, Director - Transportation Electrification at Hydro-Québec, on behalf of the founding partners of the Electric Circuit.

A rapidly-growing network of fast-charge stations
The Electric Circuit already has ten fast-charge stations in service, to which other fast-charge stations in Lévis, Sainte-Julie, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Drummondville and Magog will be added during the year. The first 25 fast-charge stations to be commissioned will benefit from the financial support of Nissan Canada.

For more information

Electric Circuit