The Province is amending the Minimum Planning Requirements Regulations to establish maximum allowable setbacks for wind turbines for Nova Scotia municipalities.
"Our government is making it easier for wind energy projects to move forward while ensuring that our communities and the environment are respected and protected," said John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs. "These amendments will provide municipalities with clear, consistent standards for setbacks for wind turbines."
Under the amended regulations, the setback for wind turbines cannot be more than four times the turbine height, unless a greater distance is required to ensure that sound levels do not exceed 40 decibels at the exterior of a dwelling and that shadow flicker on nearby residential dwellings does not exceed limits identified in the amendments.
The amendments also remove the ability for a municipality to influence wind turbine placement based on visual impact on the landscape.
These amendments align with goals identified in Nova Scotia's Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth, the 2030 Clean Power Plan, the Green Hydrogen Action Plan and legislated goals in the Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act.
Quick Facts:
- shadow flicker occurs when the spinning blades of a wind turbine create an alternating light effect on the ground or nearby buildings
- the amended regulations include both daily and yearly limits for shadow flicker on nearby residents, at fewer than 30 minutes per day or 30 hours per year
Additional Resources:
- Amendments to the Minimum Planning Requirements Regulations in the Municipal Government Act:
- Amendments to the Minimum Planning Requirements Regulations in the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter:
- Our Climate, Our Future: Nova Scotia's Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth:
- Nova Scotia's 2030 Clean Power Plan:
- Green Hydrogen Action Plan:
- Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act: