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Global Renewable News

Fast Company Recognizes sonnen as Top Innovator in Energy Sector
sonnen earns fourth major industry recognition of the year, listed in Fast Company's Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Energy

February 14, 2017

sonnen announced that Fast Company recognized the global leader in intelligent energy storage in its annual ranking of the world's 10 Most Innovative Companies in Energy for 2017. The ranking honors leading enterprises and rising newcomers that exemplify the best in nimble business and impactful innovation.

Most Innovative Companies is one of Fast Company's most significant and highly anticipated rankings of the year. To produce the 2017 list, Fast Company reporters surveyed thousands of enterprises across the globe to identify the most notable innovations of the year and trace the impact of those initiatives on business, industry, and the larger culture.

"We are extremely proud to receive this honor, one that is only possible as a result of the efforts of our colleagues, partners, and customers," said Christoph Ostermann, CEO of sonnen Group.  "It is also a strong representation of our corporate vision of energy independence and a reduced carbon footprint, as well as our strength in innovation. We are appreciative of this global recognition, and hope it continues to drive awareness to the advances of the energy storage industry."

This marks yet another industry award sonnen has received since the beginning of 2017. Recently, sonnen also received the $1.5M Zayed Future Energy Prize, was ranked among The Global Cleantech 100, and earned the Continued Excellence Award, further distinguishing the company with notable honors for special innovations in the global energy sector.

"These enterprises continue to set the pace for their industries, showing agility and aggressiveness that makes them undeniable," says Fast Company editor and managing director Robert Safian. "Over the past year, the nation's political dialogue offered many reasons for uncertainty and pause. Culture will keep moving, and enterprises that move with it that attack their missions with fearlessness will find themselves in the strongest position to weather whatever political or economic disruption comes our way."

The publication's ranking of the 50 Most Innovative Companies and 36 sector-specific lists can be found in Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies March 2017 issue, which is available online at www.fastcompany.com/MIC, and on newsstands beginning February 21. 

About sonnen

At sonnen, we believe clean, affordable, and reliable energy for all is one of the greatest challenges of our time. With 16,000 sonnenBatterie systems installed worldwide, sonnen is a proven global leader in intelligent energy management solutions that provide greater energy control for residential and commercial customers through increased solar self-consumption, reduced peak energy usage and reliable backup power during outages - contributing to a cleaner and more reliable energy future. sonnen has won several awards for its energy innovations and sonnenBatterie products, including Fast Company's Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Energy, the 2017 Zayed Energy Innovation Award, MIT's Technology Review's 50 Smartest Companies in 2016, Cleantech Global 100 for 2015-2017, Greentech Media's 2016 Grid Edge Award for innovation, and Cleantech's 2015 Company of the Year Award in both Israel and Europe.

About Fast Company

Fast Company is the world's leading progressive business media brand, with a unique editorial focus on innovation in technology, ethical economics, leadership, and design. Headquartered in New York City, Fast Company is published by Mansueto Ventures LLC, one of the U.S.'s leading media companies.

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