June 8, 2024
Global Renewable News

Landsvirkjun Achieves Top Scores for Climate Action Again

February 26, 2024

Landsvirkjun scored an A for climate strategy and the impact of climate change on operations in 2023 by the international non-profit organisation CDP. For the second consecutive year, Landsvirkjun, the national energy company of Iceland, is awarded top scores.

Top Scores for Climate Action Again

Landsvirkjun scored an A for climate strategy and the impact of climate change on operations in 2023 by the international non-profit organisation CDP. For the second consecutive year, Landsvirkjun, the national energy company of Iceland, is awarded top scores. In 2021, Landsvirkjun scored an A-, the first company in the country to achieve such excellent scores. The A score puts Landsvirkjun on a Leadership level in climate action worldwide.

Only 346 Companies Awarded Top Scores

The CDP supports uniform and professional disclosure of environmental information. Furthermore, it provides feedback and encourages continual improvements. The first time CDP awarded Landsvirkjun a score was in 2016. Every year, CDP's standards have steadily risen. Therefore, today's A score is based on much higher standards than at the beginning.

The disclosure is comprehensive and encompasses data on companies' climate management holistically. In 2023, more than 23 thousand companies reported their environmental data through CDP. Landsvirkjun is one of 346 companies with the highest score and a ranking on the organisation's A-list.

Hörður Arnarson, CEO of Landsvirkjun:

"Landsvirkjun's vision is a sustainable world powered by renewable energy. We believe the most significant contribution of Iceland's national energy company to sustainable development is to take responsibility for climate change, as energy issues are climate issues. We welcome CDP's unequivocal confirmation of the Company's active action against climate change. We at Landsvirkjun are proud of this recognition and intend to keep the Company on the Leadership level in climate issues."

SherryMadera, CEO of CDP:

"Earning a place on the A-List is about more than the score. It's an indication of high quality, complete data that equips companies with a holistic view of their environmental impact, serves as a baseline for transition plans, and - crucially - enables them to follow through on their ambitions."

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