June 2, 2024
Global Renewable News

Geothermal Honors Award Winners for Technology, Economic and Environmental Advances Announced

June 3, 2015

At the opening of the National Geothermal Summit on June 3 the Geothermal Energy Association will present its Annual Honors Awards. GEA Honors 2015 recognize companies and individuals that have made significant contributions during the past year to advancing technology, spurring economic development and protecting the environment.

GEA Honors 2015 Awardees are:

  • Ormat Technologies, Inc.: for continuing to advance the frontier of geothermal power with the first fully dispatchable, flexible, geothermal power plant.
  • Enel Green Power North America, Inc.: for its efforts to advance hybrid geothermal power systems.
  • Cyrq Energy: for completing the first utility scale geothermal project in New Mexico.

Economic Development and Environmental Stewardship Awards:

  • Senator Harry Reid: for a career of outstanding support for geothermal energy as a resource with many benefits to the State of Nevada and the United States.
  • Senator Ben Hueso: for his efforts to advance geothermal energy and restoration of the Salton Sea.
  • CEC Geothermal Grant and Loan Program: As an outstanding example of a state program that advances environmental quality and economic growth through a sustained effort supporting geothermal projects in California since the early 1980s.
  • Power Africa: for their support of expanded use of geothermal energy, particularly in East Africa, and engaging the US industry through the US Agency for International Development's (USAID) East Africa Geothermal Partnership (EAGP).

Special Recognition Awards

  • Doug Hollett, U.S. Department of Energy: for his leadership and vision in geothermal energy research and development.
  • Thomas Edmunds and Pedro Sotorrio, LLNL: for their work advancing knowledge and research on flexible geothermal contracts.
  • Ernie Majer, LBNL: for his work advancing the understanding of seismicity and EGS systems.
  • Jordan Macknick, NREL: for his work improving our understanding of geothermal water usage in a water constrained west.
  • Dan Getman, NREL: for developing, in collaboration with DOE, the Geothermal Prospector mapping tool which provides an excellent data resource for visual exploration of geothermal resources.

 For more information, please visit http://www.geo-energy.org/nationalgeothermalsummit/Main.aspx.

For more information

Geothermal Energy Association
209 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington District of Columbia
United States 20003

Kathy Kent Schott
Geothermal Energy Association