June 2, 2024
Global Renewable News

SaskPower Announces 700 MW of New Renewable Generation for South-Central Saskatchewan

November 14, 2022
The provincial government has approved 700 megawatts (MW) of new renewable generation to be added in south-central Saskatchewan by 2027.

This new capacity will include 400 MW of new wind generation and 300 MW of new solar generation for the region. More details regarding procurement competitions and specific project locations will be available in the coming months.

"Building more generation facilities to take advantage of Saskatchewan's abundant wind and sun will be good for emission reductions and for the provincial economy," said Don Morgan, Minister Responsible for SaskPower. "We are looking forward to this significant next step for electricity generation for the region and province."

SaskPower is on track to reduce its CO2 emissions by at least 50 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030. In the process, the amount of non-emitting electricity in Saskatchewan's generation mix will increase from approximately 35 per cent today to between 40 and 50 per cent.

"Achieving our 2030 and net-zero targets will require SaskPower to add significantly more non-emitting generation in the coming years," said Tim Eckel, SaskPower Vice-President of Asset Management, Planning and Sustainability. "In total, we plan to add up to 3,000 MW of wind and solar generation by 2035 - a major transformation of our grid and an economic opportunity for businesses and communities provincewide."

In addition to wind and solar, SaskPower is evaluating the full range of generation options to deliver clean, reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable power to customers in the years to come.

More information about SaskPower's current and upcoming projects can be found at saskpower.com/projects.

At a glance...

  • SaskPower has announced 700 MW of new renewable generation to be added in south-central Saskatchewan by 2027
  • SaskPower will add more than 3,000 MW of renewable energy to the grid by 2035
  • More information can be found at saskpower.com/projects

For more information

2025 Victoria Ave
Regina Saskatchewan
Canada S4P 0S1

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