June 11, 2024
Global Renewable News

The GRC Awards - Seeking the Best in Global Geothermal
The winners will be announced at the GRC Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

April 4, 2017

The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) is pleased to announce the opening of nominations for this year's GRC Awards. The awards recognize distinguished colleagues in the geothermal community from around the world and have been a highlight of the geothermal calendar since the late 1970's.

The winners will be honored at the GRC Awards Luncheon, the climax to the GRC Annual Meeting being held in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA from October 1-4. The theme for this year's meeting is Geothermal Energy: Power to do More.

The Joseph W. Aidlin Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the Geothermal Resources Council and to the development of geothermal resources.

The Geothermal Pioneer Award is given for outstanding achievements in the development of geothermal resources. It recognizes the pioneering efforts of members of the geothermal community who have made lasting contributions to the industry, worldwide.

The Henry J. Ramey, Jr. Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Award recognizes outstanding achievements in the field of geothermal reservoir engineering.

The Ben Holt Geothermal Power Plant Award honors outstanding achievement in the field of geothermal power plant design and construction.

The Special Achievement Award recognizes special or outstanding achievements in any aspect of geothermal energy development and related areas.

"The recipients of these awards often have a lifetime of achievement in the academic, scientific and commercial geothermal communities", said GRC Executive Director Steve Ponder. "These awards are considered among the most prestigious in the geothermal community."

More information on the GRC Awards, including a nomination form, can be found on the GRC website [www.geothermal.org]. The deadline for nominations is June 16, 2017.

About the Geothermal Resources Council

With the experience and dedication of its diverse, international membership bolstering a more than 45-year track record, the Geothermal Resources Council has built a solid reputation as the one of the world's preeminent geothermal associations advancing geothermal development through education, research, and outreach.

For more information

Geothermal Resources Council
2001 Second St - Ste 5
Davis California
États-Unis 95617-1350

Ian Crawford
Geothermal Resources Council