Topics to be Addressed Include:
- Latest in smart charging and wireless charging
- Addressing concerns over charger performance, reliability and security
- Trends in EV adoption and market direction
- Success strategies for starting and growing a charging network in the U.S.
- Innovations in charging infrastructure and enabling technologies
- Providing incentives to increase consumer demand for EVs
- Market trends, opportunities and challenges for the industry
- EV and battery advances, and implications for charging infrastructure
- Integrating and optimizing renewable energy resources
- Charging station operators perspectives
- Integration of energy storage and microgrids with EV charging
- Utility case studies and programs to date
- Scaling up existing charging operator networks
- Impact of EVs on grid operations and planning
- Regulatory requirements and standards developments
- Reuse of EV batteries into grid-scale energy storage systems
- Modeling and grid architecture planning: ensuring that charging is a grid benefit
- Municipal perspectives and initiatives
- EV manufacturer perspectives on charging infrastructure requirements
- And more