The technical program will highlight advances in:
- Markets, standards, and policies that unlock energy storage as a critical enabler of the clean energy transition
- Novel applications of energy storage such as new market structures, demonstrations for resilience, and energy storage for social equity
- Energy management and device management system advances that maximize value while enabling safe and reliable operation
- Power conversion systems that make grid-scale as well as distributed/renewable energy storage more efficient and effective
- Energy storage technologies including new battery chemistries, advanced mechanical energy storage designs, and thermal energy storage
Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to submit papers for review and possible presentation. Accepted papers will be presented in an oral or poster presentation format, and published in IEEE Xplore.
May 31, 2023 -- Abstract submission site closes
June 30, 2023 -- Notification of abstract acceptance
August 25, 2023 -- Full paper submission deadline
EESAT 2024 is sponsored by the IEEE Energy Storage and Stationary Battery (ESSB) Committee, a part of the IEEE Power and Energy Society.