This year's conference theme is "Powering solutions for decarbonized and resilient future smartgrids".
The IEEE PES ISGT Europe conference is an IEEE PES flagship conference organized in Europe. It addresses power grid modernization and the applications for the wide use of information and communication technologies for more intelligent operation of electric power systems and integration of renewable and distributed energy resources.
The IEEE PES ISGT Europe 2023 conference will feature keynotes, plenary sessions, panels, industry exhibits, paper and poster presentations by worldwide experts on smart grid and related technologies. Researchers, practitioners and students worldwide are invited to submit papers for consideration to be presented at the conference and to discuss the latest trends and emerging and innovative technologies for grid modernization.
Opening of the Paper Submission:
Papers (maximum length five (5) pages) must be prepared in accordance with the procedures outlined in the PES Authors Kit, available here. Full papers must be submitted to the online submission and review site (Papers identified as Part 1 and Part 2 papers will NOT be accepted).
The submission site is now open and can be found with this link. All papers must be submitted by 17 April 2023. Authors will be advised via email of acceptance or rejection of the paper by 21 June 2023.
First call for papers can be found here.
Panel sessions will be defined later.
The Conference will feature keynote and plenary sessions, panel sessions, and technical papers presented in poster sessions.
The Conference Organizing Committee invites practitioners and researchers worldwide to submit papers and panel proposals on conference topics outlined by the following three tracks:
Track 1: Sustainable energy infrastructures
Track 2: Technologies and processes for flexible and resilient grids
Track 3: Latest industrial developments towards resilient grids
Each track will cover topics among the following ones :
- Smart substations
- Diagnostic, aging models, reliability and lifetime extension
- Circular economy, eco-design and components recycling
- Advancements in power electronics for smart grids
Strategies for the management of power systems
- Integration and management of energy storage systems
- Integration and operation power electronics-interfaced resources
- Advancements in ADMS, DERMS, EMS, and OMS solutions: solutions for microgrids
- Distribution and transmission system coordination
- Multi-energy systems: power-to-X storage, etc.
Protection, ICT & automation
- Cybersecurity
- Protections
- Resilience regarding data exchanges
- Automation of active power systems
- Communication and real-time connectivity in smart grid
- Interoperability, standards and norms
- AC, DC, and hybrid power systems
- Uncertainty management
- Forecasting methodologies for grids planning & operation
- Prospective studies: pathways for low carbon and sustainable energy systems
Innovative methods and tools for power systems
- Low-inertia and inertia-free power systems
- Grid resilience evaluation and improvements
- Digital twins and computer modelling
- Data science for power systems: the use of artificial intelligence for smart grids - edge computing and autonomous control
Market design, end-users, regulation, prosumers
- Demand response and demand side management
- VxG and prosumers commitment
- Local energy communities, transactive energy systems
- Future energy markets and energy policy
- Energy sufficiency and social prosumers incentives
Towards the large scale deployment of new solutions
- Lessons learned/best practices from demonstrators of smart grid technologies
- High TRL industrial developments illustration
- Benchmarks, reviews and open data sharing
It should be noted that the papers whose topic are close to the above mentioned topics but not explicitly mentioned are encouraged for submission.
Submissions from industry are highly encouraged.
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements.