HEDNO launches the first Sandbox in Greece in the area of electricity as a quick and effective response to the challenges faced by electricity distribution networks during their energy transition.
Given HEDNO's crucial role in this transition, digitalization and innovation are key for its transformation. As a result, the launch of the first business "Sandbox" in Greece (a supervised space for undertaking innovative initiatives) is expected to significantly help towards this direction.
HEDNO announces a call for participation in the 1st HEDNO Datathon competition.
The objective of the competition is the development of machine learning algorithms for detecting intentional non-technical electricity losses in HEDNO's network and the building of optimal solutions.
The competition is suitable for:
- Scientists who are passionate about data analysis and data mining
- Teams of researchers, field professionals and spin-offs with experience in the area of energy and data analysis
- Startups which have developed similar predictive models
- Companies specializing in developing predictive modeling solutions
To submit your application or for more information on HEDNO Datathon, please visit: https://deddie.mantisbi.io/
The HEDNO Datathon Info Day will take place on Friday, 10 February 2023, at 15:00 at the Arts Foyer of the Athens Conservatoire, Rigillis & Vasileos Georgiou B 17-19 (also available online).