Symposium theme
Hosted by GCC CIGRE, the symposium focuses on recent researches, developments and policies related to transition to innovative, sustainable and resilient power systems. The symposium provides an opportunity for experts, scholars and engineers to exchange knowledge about such technical and regulatory aspects during technical sessions.
1. Driving towards an enhanced system Sustainability, and Resiliency with increasing shares of Renewables
- Development of methods, models and analytic techniques to ensure resilience in future grids.
- Addressing the future challenges in generating, transmitting and utilizing sustainable energy in an environmentally responsible manner, while improving business practices and operating efficiency, and enhancing reliability and power quality.
- Innovative solutions for a more exible power system, allowing for a higher, cost-e ective integration and utilization of renewables.
2. Innovations in Future Power Grids in Energy Storage, Electric Vehicles & Digitalization
- Evolution of Battery storage technologies and energy storage applications.
- Opportunities and challenges of digital transformation of utilities in improving the digitalization.
- Developing the usage of plug-in electric vehicles and emerging new concepts in transportation such as electric highways and the significant role of energy storage solutions for transportation.
3. Development in HVDC Grids and Multi-terminal HVDC
- HVDC Grid and Multi-terminal HVDC systems
- Development of medium voltage and low voltage DC systems
- Challenges of HVDC systems with long distance overhead line and cables.
Participating Study Committees
The Technical Organizing Committee is made up of the following Study Committees chairs:
- A3 - Transmission and distribution equipment
- C6 - Active Distribution Systems and Distributed Energy Resources (Lead SC)
- B2 - Overhead lines
- B4 - DC systems and Power Electronics (Lead SC)
Papers publication
Papers will be available for downloading from the Symposium website before the Symposium for all registered participants.
The papers can be purchased in electronic format from e-cigre after the Symposium.
The 6 best papers will be published in CIGRE Science & Engineering. A summary report of the Symposium will be published in ELECTRA after the event.
Submission of synopses
Participants wishing to present and publish papers should submit synopses (about 500 words) by following instructions on the Symposium website, where the synopses and paper templates are also available. All synopses, papers, and presentations must be in English. Please note authors should be available to present at the symposium.
Authors should note the following deadlines:
- Submission of synopsis: 15th September 2022
- Notification of synopsis acceptance: 5th October 2022
- Submission of full paper: 5th December 2022
- Notification of PAPER acceptance: 5th January 2023
Registration information will be available on the Symposium website.
Contact: symposium(@)