What are the costs, performance capabilities, and value of various grid-scale energy storage systems in real-world settings? What are the key technology options and deployment lessons learned to date?
The Utility-Scale Energy Storage Forum, April 18-19, 2023 in Chicago, brings together key industry thought leaders, innovators and executive practitioners from across the U.S. to answer these questions and help utilities plan for expanded penetration of intermittent renewables on the grid.
Topics to be Addressed Include:
- Emerging business models, demos and deployment plans
- Integration into grid operations and networks
- Advances in Lithium-ion battery technology at grid scale
- Latest long-duration, bulk energy storage technology developments
- Flow Batteries, gravity-based systems, and thermal storage
- Adiabatic advanced compressed air storage
- Pumped heat energy storage
- Liquid air storage
- Zinc-based storage
- Sodium-sulfur batteries
- Software for enabling long-duration storage aggregation
- Utilizing hydrogen for seasonal storage
- Advances in pumped hydro
- State of government policies, regulations, incentives and tax credits
- Investor interest and activity
- Case studies and lessons learned to date
- Directions forward and success strategies for industry and regulators
Forum Audience:
- Network strategists and executives at investor-owned, municipal, and rural utilities
- Renewable energy service providers and technology vendors
- Grid operations engineers and planners
- Energy and operations managers at large C&I end user organizations
- Consultants and system integrators
- Energy storage technology developers and vendors
- Regulatory and standards professionals
- Power control solutions providers
- Researchers, analysts and academic professionals
- Financial and venture capital professionals