The marcus evans 3rd Edition Coal Ash and CCR Management event taking place in Charlotte, NC on January 25-26, 2023 will give first-hand experiences and solutions executed to mitigate the supply-side effects associated with EPA’s new regulations like Permitting, Part A demonstrations and more; innovative methods and applications to effectively repurpose pond ash and ash sites real-estate; novel approaches to water management and enhancing the stability of ash; and lessons learnt when dealing with ash-pond closures.
Key Topics:
- Discover the Opportunities Available to Utilities after the Ash Site is Cleaned and Remediated
- Reflect on Hastings City's Clean Closure Goals and Ash Marketing-A Rewarding Experience
- Evaluate the Status and Impact to Production Associated with EPA Part A Demonstrations underneath CFR 257.103(f)(1) and EPA 103 B Implementation.
- Construct a CCR Landfill in the Footprint of a Closed Ash Pond-Overcoming External Limitations and Preventable Costs
- Decode the Challenges and Lessons Learned from an Ash Pond Closure
- Assess Instrumentation & Monitoring for the Performance of Permanent Site Features and Temporary Construction Conditions
Key Speakers Include
- Scott Turnbow, Vice President Civil Projects, Equipment Support Services & CCP Management, Tennessee Valley Authority
- Marina Richards, Environmental Engineer, Hastings Utilities
- Jeff Maxted, Manager - Environmental Services, Generation Operations Support, Alliant Energy
- Jerry Purvis, Vice President, Environmental Affairs, East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.
- Todd Crawford, Senior Engineer, Santee Cooper
- Richard Huggins, Chief Energy Recover and Waste Disposal Branch, Environmental Protection Agency
For more information please contact: Ria Kiayia, Digital Media and PR Marketing Executive at or visit:
marcus evans invites Senior and Experienced Power Generation, Production and Supply Executives, Project / Program Managers, and Engineers with responsibility for and job titles within:
- Generation / Plant Management / Plant Managers
- EHS: Environmental Health and Safety
- Waste / Solid Waste Management