January 24, 2025
Global Renewable News

BHA Election Special: How Tidal Range can bring Energy Security to Britain

June 28, 2024

Next up in our election series, we will be looking at Tidal Range energy, and how it has a unique opportunity to bring Low Carbon Energy Security to the UK.

What is Tidal Range?

Tidal range is a form of renewable energy that captures potential energy and, as the tide ebbs and floods generators within the lagoon or barrage, generates electricity. Tidal range is very efficient, as large lagoons and barrages capture considerable amounts of energy. The UK holds 10% of the world's tidal resource. With eight projects being considered along the west coast from Cumbria to Somerset, giving a potential for 20 GW installed capacity, these have the potential to generate 30 TWh/yr, equivalent to 12% of the UK's energy demand.

Why is Tidal Range important?

Tidal range hydropower presents a ground-breaking opportunity for the UK to harness a vast, indigenous energy resource with unparalleled benefits. Unlike other renewable technologies, tidal range offers timetabled, non-weather-dependent energy generation from long-term assets boasting a remarkable 120-year operational lifetime. This mature and proven technology ensures predictable and reliable energy generation, strategically located near high population density areas, and addresses grid barriers while mitigating flooding and erosion. To date, the government has focused on increasing targets for wind and solar deployment. However, there is the issue of resource adequacy', or what happens in periods of winter low wind, especially during peak teatime demand? Currently, we rely on combined-cycle gas turbines to fill these gaps, but as the UK decarbonises the grid and looks to decouple from the volatile global fossil fuel market, indigenous resources such as tidal range should be a key focus for policymakers.

How to unlock Tidal Range

Tidal Range is a no regrets option for the Energy Grid at large, however it has been fundamentally underestimated by policymakers over the last decade. To unlock the industry, the key factors will be:

Creation of a strategic partnership between industry and government and the development of a price stabilisation mechanism

Due to the high cost nature of all Long Term Energy Generation renewables such as Nuclear, investor certainty is needed to ensure that private finance can be utilised effectively, and Tidal Range is no different in this regard.

Develop a roadmap for Tidal Range and a Industrial Tidal Range strategy

To ensure the full potential of tidal range hydropower is realized, it is crucial to develop an Industrial Tidal Range strategy that guarantees the supply chain is based within the UK. This approach will not only bolster local economies by creating jobs and fostering industry growth but also enhance energy security and sustainability by relying on domestic resources and expertise. By on-shoring the supply chain, the UK can establish itself as a leader in Tidal Range technology, driving innovation and long-term economic benefits

Develop a pilot demonstration scheme to accelerate progress in areas such as regulations and remove/reduce planning restrictions for test sites his initiative will focus on streamlining regulations and reducing or removing planning restrictions for test sites. By addressing these regulatory barriers, the scheme will facilitate faster development and deployment of tidal range projects, allowing for the refinement of technology and processes in real-world conditions. This approach will not only speed up innovation but also pave the way for broader implementation of tidal range energy solutions

For more information

British Hydropower Association


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