March 4, 2025
Global Renewable News

More than 69,000 jobs and £60 billion private investment in UK offshore wind by 2026

May 3, 2022

New research published today (March 25) by the Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) shows that the number of people working in direct and indirect jobs in the UK's world-leading offshore wind industry is set to rise significantly, from 26,000 currently to over 69,800 by 2026.

Most of the jobs will being created in parts of the country which ur gently need levelling up, including the north east of England, Y orkshire and T he Humber , East Anglia and Scotland.
The private sector will invest £ 60.8bn billion across the UK over the next five years in developing, constructing and operating offshore wind projects as the industry expands rapidly to help the Government to achieve its net zero emissions goal. The average annual investment will be £ 10.1bn between 2021 and 20 26 , and investment in 2026 alone will reach a peak of £ 10.6 bn.
The Offshore Wind Skills Intelligence Report was commissioned by OWIC's Investment In Talent Group which was set up as part of the landmark Offshore Wind Sector Deal agreed with Government in 2019. The work has been done by RenewableUK, the National Skills Academy for Rail and independent data analysts Opergy Ltd .
The survey is by far the most comprehensive ever conducted in the UK into the full extent of the economic benefits of offshore wind. For the first time it includes direct and indirect jobs as well as self-employed people who make up 14 % of the total workforce. Researchers have compiled the most detailed offshore wind jobs data base by inputting thousands of data points from the companies of all sizes, mapping where pe ople are employed, what type of work they do and how the workforce will expand over the next five years. Of the 69,848 jobs by 2026, 40,700 will be direct (nearly 6 0%) and 29,148 will be indirect ( in companies supplying other industries as well as offshore wind).
The highest percentage of responses came from supply chain companies (39%), reflecting the importance of the UK offshore wind supply chain in job creation. 29% came from offshore wind farm developers and operat ors. 27% were from UK companies inv olved in manufacturing specialist products for the sector (Original Equipment Manufacturers or OEMs).
Over 80% of offshore wind jobs are currently located outside London and the south east. Scotland currently has the highest proportion (3 0 %), Yorkshire and The Humber has 15 %, the north east of England 10% and the east of England also has 10%.
Our forecast shows that regional percentages will be maintained at this level as jobs increase over the course of this decade , providing sustained long - term growth in these areas.

The wide range of jobs includes engine ers, project managers, software designers, component manufactures, turbine technicians, welders, deep sea divers, boat crews and helicopter pilots. 79% of these jobs are highly s killed, t echnical and management roles.

Apprenticeships make up 1.8 % of the UK workforce, half of which are in Yorkshire and the Humber. The industry has committed to raising this to 2.5% as soon as possible.

The offshore wind industry is looking in particular to fill vacancies for electrical engineers, civil engineers, project managers, surveyors, data analysts and digital specialists in roles based onshore as well as offshore.
At present, women make up 18% of the workforce and the industry ha s committed to increasing this to at least one - third by 2030 - and to reach a stretch target of 40% if possible.
The survey also shows that the industry currently offers well - balanced range of opportunities for p eople with skills and qualifications at every level, from GCSE s and A - levels to Higher Education Certificates and Diplomas and university degrees . 71% of the workforce have qualifications in Higher Education (i.e. higher than A - levels or their equivalent in BTECs ).

For more information

Offshore Wind Industry Council

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