September 27, 2024
Global Renewable News

Revitalizing a century-old hydropower plant in Belgium
Tractebel and ENGIE Electrabel bring new energy to a 1928 hydroelectric plant to produce green power for generations to come.

April 16, 2021

In its ongoing commitment to ensure both the planet and future generations will benefit from sustainable energy production, Tractebel is participating in the rehabilitation of ENGIE Electrabel's Bevercé hydropower plant near Malmédy, Belgium.

The three-turbine, 10 MW power plant, fed by water from the nearby Robertville dam, was built in 1928. Current operator ENGIE Electrabel's first phase in refurbishing the plant is to replace one of the three generation units. The aim is to increase energy output while limiting extreme fluctuations in water levels that can negatively affect local fish populations.

Tractebel brings renewable energy expertise from planning to execution
Our initial mission at Bevercé, carried out between 2018 and 2020, consisted of defining the scope of work including cost estimates and planning, completing the technical and financial aspects of the calls to tender and evaluating the responses received. 
The next phase of our mandate, which will extend through 2022, is to assist ENGIE Electrabel in supervising the works carried out by the selected company Hydro Power Plant (HPP). All parts of the turbine will be replaced, from the main inlet valve to the runner, including the shaft line, generator and the electrical and mechanical components. The refurbished unit will operate with increased efficiency and energy output.

Multidisciplinary team with a global view
Tractebel's team includes our experts in hydropower, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, instrumentation and control systems, civil engineering and project management. Like all our projects, we approached the Bevercé upgrade from a holistic view, from dam to energy grid. Our technical expertise, deep experience and global network of suppliers make Tractebel a one-stop destination for hydropower solutions.
ENGIE Electrabel is pleased with our collaboration and has enlisted Tractebel to assist with the next phase of the project, the replacement of the second turbine.

"By participating in the Bevercé hydropower plant refurbishment project, we are contributing to the sustainable and efficient production of renewable energy. It is humbling to continue the work begun by our counterparts nearly a century ago. We will add Tractebel's expertise and vision to the legacy of this site, so that it operates to the benefit of the environment and the generations of tomorrow."

Sylvain LOPEZ, Tractebel Manager of Electromechanics and Rehabilitation Department in Lyon, France

For more information

Tractebel Engie

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