September 27, 2024
Global Renewable News

Turkey's Pervari dam and hydropower project to eliminate 460,000 tons of CO2 per year

September 27, 2023

At a total installed capacity of 300 MWm, the Pervari dam and hydropower project (HPP) and will generate 832.3 GWh of electricity per year. The dam, located on the Botan River near the town of Siirt, is designed as a 143 m high roller-compacted concrete (RCC) gravity type. It will be one of the highest of its kind in the country. Tractebel company Hidro Dizayn has completed the feasibility studies, and is performing the final design followed by detailed design services. The mandate began in 2023 and is expected to run through the end of 2025. Construction will begin in 2024 is scheduled for completion within three years.

The Pervari dam and HPP will be built on the Botan Rover near Siirt, southeastern Turkey

Hydropower for a carbon-neutral future

Once operational, the Pervari dam and HPP will eliminate approximately 460,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually. The project will alleviate the increasing demand for energy by supplying low-carbon electricity to over 180,000 households. Not only will the Pervari plant benefit the national economy by adding 300 MW to the network, it will also boost the regional economy through employment creation.

Hydropower projects like the Pervari dam and HPP contribute to the global energy transition by generating low-carbon renewable energy. Operating without burning fuel, they greatly reduce the release of greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuel energy. Some reservoirs associated with these projects act as carbon sinks, sequestering carbon dioxide. Hydroelectric power plants also offer grid stability by balancing the intermittent energy output of renewable sources such as wind and solar.

"Our teams are pleased that our client Limak Energy has once again entrusted our expertise to contribute to this major hydroelectric project, which will be an important contribution to Turkey's emissions reduction goals. By harnessing the power of water, the Pervari dam and hydropower plant will reduce dependence on fossil fuels, facilitating the transition to a carbon-neutral energy network."

Cenk Mert Çelik, Project Manager and General Manager of Tractebel company Hidro Dizayn in Turkey

For more information

Tractebel Engie

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