June 25, 2024
Global Renewable News

NASEO Publishes K-12 School Energy Program Map

March 8, 2024

State and Territory Energy Offices and their partners play an important role in supporting energy efficiency improvements and energy education in K-12 public school facilities. School energy programs can be an opportunity to support multiple goals - advancing statewide building energy goals by helping school districts manage their energy use and emissions, expanding the future clean energy workforce by developing early education energy curricula, and enhancing community resilience by designing high-quality public school facilities to serve as emergency shelters and resilience hubs.

Source: NASEO

With the support of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, NASEO has developed a map that summarizes programs operated by State and Territory Energy Offices and state or territory-level agency counterparts, focused on data management, governance, planning, assessment, funding and financing, facilities management, standards setting, and STEM education. The K-12 public school energy programs map will be regularly maintained to summarize notable facilities-focused energy and indoor air quality programs from various state agencies. State and Territory Energy Offices may use this resource to identify program implementation models from other states and cross-agency offerings that support high-performing and energy-efficient K-12 school facilities.

Please contact Jasmine Xie (jxie@naseo.org) with any questions or additions.

For more information

National Association of State Energy Officials


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