June 25, 2024
Global Renewable News

Exergy Continues Supporting Decarbonisation in Turkey with Geothermal Binary Technology
New contract signed with Emirler Enerji for an 8 MWe geothermal power plant

January 18, 2024

EXERGY INTERNATIONAL signed a contract yesterday (Jan 15) with EMIRLER ENERJI ELEKTRIK URETIM A.S. for the supply of an 8 MWe geothermal binary plant, the Emirler 1 JES Unite 2, located in Saraykoy, in the Denizli region of Turkey. Exergy continues to cement its leadership in the country for geothermal binary technology installations, with around 500 MWe capacity installed, and has proven its commitment and contribution to supporting the transition to decarbonised energy systems in Turkey through geothermal energy harnessing.

Luca Pozzoni, General Manager of EXERGY INTERNATIONAL, commented on this result: "We are honoured to include Emirler Enerji among our partners, with whom we want to create long-term synergies and provide services that can enhance their renewable energy capacity. Turkey remains a reference market for Exergy with high dynamism in the development of geothermal resources where, thanks to our historical presence in the country, we continue to be a leading player. Leveraging our closeness to our customers, served by a local manufacturing and service base, we will be a strategic partner for Emirler, helping the company expand their energy production portfolio, and achieve their goals by providing highly efficient geothermal power plant technology".

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