October 16, 2024
Global Renewable News

PGE Collaborates with BPPT to Develop Small-Scale PLTP Innovation by the Children of the Nation

November 2, 2021

PT Pertamina Geothermal Energi (PGE) continues to show its commitment to developing innovations made by the nation's children in the geothermal field. PGE together with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) conducted a joint study on research on a small-scale geothermal power plant (PLTP) with a capacity of 3 MW in Kamojang, West Java.

Director of Exploration and Development of PGE Tafif Azimudin said this collaboration is the company's commitment to support the development of domestic technology, especially in terms of geothermal energy. The cooperation is stated in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PGE and BPPT.

"So far, geothermal technology has come from abroad with this MoU, PGE and BPPT have a commitment to build small-scale geothermal technology capabilities in Indonesia, considering that 40 percent of the world's geothermal reserves are in Indonesia," said Tafif, Friday (9/24/2021).

The scope of this collaboration is, first, testing the performance (performance and durability) of the 3 MW PLTP, including the synchronization of the 3 MW PLTP to the 20 kV distribution line owned by PT PLN (Persero).

Second, making the 3 MW PLTP a research facility and capacity building for researchers in realizing the Kamojang geothermal field as a Geothermal Center of Excellence.

Tafif explained, this activity is focused on developing geothermal resources in the territory of Indonesia, especially small-scale geothermal so that it supports the government in achieving the energy mix in accordance with the RUKL (General Electricity Plan), especially for geothermal energy sources.

As is known, the government targets the portion of New Renewable Energy (EBT) in the energy mix to reach 23 percent in 2025 and increase to 31 percent in 2050. In its implementation, the government also continues to boost the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) in each power plant. For this reason, this collaboration with BPPT can be a smooth way to increase the TKDN number.

With the increasing number of components of the work of the nation's children being implemented in every power plant, it also directly becomes a jumping-off point for the manufacturing industry in Indonesia.

"Another goal of this collaboration program with BPPT is to be able to encourage the progress of the manufacturing industry and other components in the country when this research enters the commercial stage," concluded Tafif.

He added that this collaboration is also part of PGE's responsibilities in terms of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG). Especially in terms of the environment, as a form of PGE's support for the government's efforts to increase the use of environmentally friendly geothermal energy.

In addition, it is also a form of fulfilling the commitment to the seven SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). That is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all (affordable and clean energy).

As is known, PGE as part of the PNRE Subholding is always committed to the development of new and renewable energy as future energy. Through the implemented innovations, the PNRE Subholding continues to support the government in meeting the energy mix targets set out in the General National Energy Plan (RUEN).

One of them is geothermal development which is continuously being encouraged in order to optimize Indonesia's geothermal reserves as the second largest in the world. Until now, PGE's geothermal installed capacity is 672 MW (own operation) and 1,205 (joint operation contracts) from 15 working areas spread throughout Indonesia.

For more information

Pertamina Geothermal Energy


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