September 28, 2024
Global Renewable News

Geothermal Symposium a success

October 31, 2017

The 5th London Geothermal Symposium was held on Tuesday 25 October at the Geological Society in London with over 120 attendees from across industry, finance, government and academia.  This half-day event was organised by the BritGeothermal Research Partnership, EGS Energy Limited and Town Rock Energy in association with the Geological Society of London as part of their "Year of Water".

The theme was focussed mainly on recent developments in the low enthalpy geothermal sector, both in the UK and abroad.  The programme included a wide diversity of topics related to innovation, investment and research, as well as project updates and the use of water in abandoned mines as a heat source.  Presentations on geothermal heat only and power generation schemes were delivered by representatives from industry and academia, including Roy Baria who gave a presentation on behalf of EGS Energy Limited identifying the crucial role that geothermal energy could play towards the alleviation of issues associated with climate change.

The Symposium was well attended by a variety of sectors and there was an overall feeling of optimism amongst the delegates.  Although it was recognised that the development of geothermal energy within the UK has progressed since the last Symposium, held in 2014, a lot of further work and investment is still required to establish geothermal as a secure, low carbon source of electricity and heat in the UK.

EGS Energy Limited considers the annual London Geothermal Symposium to be an important event to showcase the development of the geothermal sector in the UK and to provide a networking venue for the major players in this sector.

For more information

EGS Energy Limited