January 10, 2025
Global Renewable News

ENERCON sells 21 MW wind farm to onshore fund

February 11, 2022

ENERCON has sold the Heringen-Waltersberg wind farm it developed itself, located in Hesse and connected to the grid last autumn, to the ENERCON Wind Onshore Deutschland I' investment fund. The transaction was successfully completed end of December. The wind farm is made up of seven E-101/3.05 MW wind energy converters built on hybrid towers at a hub height of 149 metres. This gives the wind farm a power output of 21.35 MW. The two parties have agreed not to disclose information on the purchase price.

The sale of this showcase project is further proof of the great confidence investors have in our wind energy converter technology, and in ENERCON as a manufacturer and project partner for realising onshore projects', says Dr Peter Koßmann, Financial Advisor at ENERCON. The fund is a closed-ended reserved alternative investment fund (S.A., SICAV-RAIF). Two large public law insurance companies act as anchor investors.

As well as the wind energy converters in the Heringen-Waltersberg wind farm, the fund already comprises 31 wind energy converters in five operating wind farms in Germany, with a total nomi­nal power of 79 megawatts. Together they generate around 175 million kilowatt-hours of renewa­ble energy every year. All of the projects receive a fixed feed-in tariff under the German Renewab­le Energy Sources Act (EEG) for 20 years. ENERCON will take over the maintenance and servicing of the wind energy converters for 25 years.

The fund is the first investment product of the fund platform for institutional investors initiated by ENERCON in the spring of 2021. The platform's objective is to advance the marketing of onshore wind projects in Germany and Europe and to offer ENERCON customers access to institutional in­vestors and capital providers when realising their project plans. ENERCON considers this offering as another element of its customer care - in addition to supplying the wind energy converters and providing services during the operation phase.

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