MidAmerican operates the largest wind energy fleet of any investor-owned utility in the nation. Through the company's GreenAdvantage program, which applies to all MidAmerican electric customers in Iowa at no additional cost to them, the company enables every customer to claim a verified renewable energy amount, which in 2021, was 88.5%.
MidAmerican's proposed Wind PRIME project would raise MidAmerican's GreenAdvantage figure to 100% by enabling the company to provide renewable energy equal to its Iowa customers' annual usage upon completion in 2025. The project, which is pending before the Iowa Utilities Board, would add more than 2,000 megawatts of wind generation and 50 megawatts of solar energy.
MidAmerican has set a goal to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. While thermal generation will remain necessary for the foreseeable future to maintain reliability, Wind PRIME includes a plan to invest in studying and pursuing emerging lower and noncarbon generation technologies.
About MidAmerican Energy
MidAmerican Energy, headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, serves 804,000 electric customers in Iowa, Illinois and South Dakota, and 781,000 natural gas customers in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska and South Dakota. Information about MidAmerican is available at MidAmericanEnergy.com and company social media channels.
Media Contact
Media Hotline: 515-281-2266
Email: MediaHotline@midamerican.com