June 25, 2024
Global Renewable News

Russian wind industry boosted by joint venture between ROSATOM and Lagerwey

December 4, 2017

NovaWind, a ROSATOM's unit responsible for the «new energy» programs and its technological partner - the Dutch wind turbines' manufacturer Lagerwey have launched a joint venture - Red Wind.

The agreement was signed on November 30, 2017 in Amsterdam at the WindEurope-2017 exhibition by Alexander Korchagin, the CEO of NovaWind, and Huib Morelisse, the CEO of Lagerwey. It is a follow-up of the License Agreement, signed earlier this year in Moscow.

According to the agreement, the parties have launched a joint venture Red Wind B.V.. Emin Askerov, the deputy director general of NovaWind, has been appointed as the CEO of the joint venture. Sjoerd Sieburgh Sjoerdsma has been appointed as managing director. The management team of the Red Wind will be assembled shortly, its core will be represented by competent international professionals.  

Click here to read the full press release.

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