March 10, 2025
Global Renewable News

SDG&E Champions Sustainability: Innovations, Conservation, and Community Engagement

May 17, 2024

Developing solutions to help address climate change and make our communities more resilient to its impacts is not just our business at SDG&E, it's also essential to fulfilling our mission. SDG&E's 4,800+ employees live, play and raise families here in beautiful Southern California and they're committed to leaving a better planet for future generations to come. Never has SDG&E's work to help decarbonize California's economy been more important than now as our state experiences the costs and health consequences of more frequent and severe weather events.  

But even as the challenges of climate change loom large, SDG&E believes we have many reasons to find hope. Through collaboration and engagement with our many stakeholders, SDG&E is helping to create a more sustainable future for our region. 

Last week, Sempra published its 2023 Corporate Sustainability report, which highlights sustainability progress, including several key accomplishments at SDG&E.   

  • Investing in safe and resilient operations 
    As a leader in environmental stewardship, SDG&E has operated under a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) since 1995. Through our voluntary plan, we have preserved to date nearly 400 acres of streams, wetland, grasslands, scrub and woodland habitat and the species who depend on them. Last October, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approved an amendment to our HCP that supports our important wildfire safety work and expands protection to SDG&E's entire service area and more than 40 endangered, threatened or rare species, including bald and golden eagles. This conservation work is essential to preserving the unrivaled biodiversity of San Diego County.

  • Engaging people and communities 
    SDG&E understands the importance of affordability and continues to support our regional economy through innovative programs that invest directly in the people and organizations of San Diego. Launched in April 2023, the $10 million SDG&E Community Assistance Fund helped improve housing stability and food security for residents experiencing financial hardship. Additionally, SDG&E increased funding for its Neighbor-to-Neighbor program, which supports qualifying customers with energy bill assistance. 

  • Innovating for the future 
    SDG&E is focused on helping build a more just and equitable energy future that reduces emissions, improves air quality and supports environmental justice. In March 2023, SDG&E unveiled four direct current fast chargers at the Otay Mesa Point of Entry. This is the busiest commercial crossing in California, which sits within a community plagued by some of the highest air pollution levels in San Diego County. These chargers help alleviate emissions from the nearly six million vehicles that cross each year and the deliver on our commitment to expand EV charging infrastructure. 

These are just a few of the many projects, SDG&E completed last year as we worked toward our state, region and company sustainability goals. You can read the full report and share feedback at  

For more information

San Diego Gas & Electric
8326 Century Park Ct
San Diego California
United States 92123

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