February 26, 2025
Global Renewable News

WELTEC BIOPOWER and Nordmethan to Operate under a Single Name
Closer Link between Energy Plant Construction and Operation

August 11, 2020

For many years, the German companies WELTEC BIOPOWER GmbH and Nordmethan GmbH have been cooperating as part of the same group. While WELTEC builds biogas and biomethane plants around the globe, Nordmethan supplements the portfolio with the operation of energy plants. Within the scope of a strategic realignment, all companies of both businesses will henceforth operate under the globally recognised umbrella brand WELTEC BIOPOWER.

"This brand realignment was necessary in order to perpetuate our global success story and reinforce our positioning as a competent biogas specialist in all areas of the industry. By operating under a single name, we intend to further increase the efficiency of the synergies between the individual business areas, which we had already been making use of", explains Jens Albartus, Director of the WELTEC Group, pointing to the main motives for the closer cooperation.

In the course of its history - which started in 2001 with the establishment of WELTEC BIOPOWER GmbH - more and more components of the biogas value chain have been developed and bundled within the Group. Key elements include the design, planning and setup of energy plans. "To date, we have set up more than 300 plants with an output of up to 10 MW each in 25 countries. Soon, five additional biogas plants are going to be built in Asia. Moreover, we are currently rolling out projects in several European countries", says Albartus. He adds: "The high proportion of custom-developed components is a key USP that enables us to reduce interfaces."

As far as the operation of biogas plants is concerned, the WELTEC Group does not concentrate solely on its own nine sites, which produce about 96 million m³ of climate-friendly biogas and biomethane a year. "We also share our expertise with other operators and take care of the plant operation on behalf of banks, liquidators and investors on a temporary or ongoing basis", says Albartus and adds: "What is more, we regularly assist customers who run their own biogas plants with our mechanical and biological service."

For many years, the operations of the WELTEC Group have also included sustainable usage concepts for the output flows, e.g. in the form of heat contracting. Currently, the biomethane produced by the Group's plants is used to supply communities, horticultural facilities and other businesses at 16 locations.

In all its activities, the biogas specialist endeavours to remain close to its business partners and to roll out projects in an individual manner. Thus, the WELTEC Group's sales and service network spans the entire globe. The range of customers includes businesses from sectors such as agriculture, food, municipal administration, waste and wastewater. Jens Albartus explains: "The combination under a single name will in no way impair our existing collaboration. Rather, we will be able to align our service offerings even more effectively with our customers' quality requirements."

WELTEC BIOPOWER and Nordmethan to Operate under a Single Name.
Closer Link between Energy Plant Construction and Operation.

While WELTEC builds biogas and biomethane plants around the globe, Nordmethan supplements the portfolio with the operation of energy plants. Within the scope of a strategic realignment, all companies of both businesses will henceforth operate under the globally recognised umbrella brand WELTEC BIOPOWER.

Company Portrait
The WELTEC Group from Vechta, Germany, has developed into a globally leading specialist for the construction and operation of biogas and biomethane plants since it was founded back in 2001. The Group designs, plans and sets up energy plants, operates them on a permanent or temporary basis, provides 24/7 service and delivers sustainable usage concepts for output flows, thereby covering the entire biogas value chain.

The establishment of individual, technically mature solutions up to a plant size of 10 MW is one of the strengths of WELTEC BIOPOWER. The high proportion of custom-developed components is a key success factor. Moreover, the use of stainless-steel technologies ensures flexible substrate input, quick and inexpensive assembly and a consistently high quality standard, regardless of the location. Following the commissioning, WELTEC s mechanical and biological service plays a significant role in ensuring the plant efficiency.

The company also boasts a wealth of experience in the field of biogas generation and utilisation. The company s nine decentralised plants generate 96 million standard m³ of biogas a year. Most of it is processed to biomethane and made available to energy suppliers and petrol station operators via the public gas network. Additionally, at 16 locations in Germany- e.g. in the field of horticulture, housing construction and healthcare as well as communities - the biomethane is used for generating heat within the framework of WELTEC energy contracting.

The biogas specialist is well aware of the importance of customer and investor proximity. Accordingly, the Group s sales and service network spans the entire globe. The range of customers includes businesses from industries such as agriculture, food, waste and wastewater. So far, the 120 employees of the WELTEC Group have implemented more than 300 energy plants in 25 countries on five continents. These plants save about 485.000 tons of CO2eq a year.

For more information



Ann Börries
+49 4441/99978-220

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