Reliable electricity is the lifeblood of New England, its economy, and its people. So we are always pleased to see people interested in the future of energy in the region.
Because the reliability of the New England's power system is critical for the region's future as the heating and transportation sectors are electrified to meet climate goals, a strong power system will be necessary for this transition.
Here's a look at what the ISO has been doing to transition the region's power system to a cleaner, cheaper, and more efficient power grid that is now poised for a clean energy future.
Among other efforts:
- We've woven wind energy into our operations, markets, and planning procedures
- Our long-term forecasts account for the grid-reducing impacts of behind-the-meter solar power and energy efficiency;
- We were the first ISO in the country to incorporate demand response as part of the energy dispatch process;
- We've adapted our markets to recognize the ability of batteries and other emerging storage technologies to quickly and seamlessly transition from charging states to discharging states
The ISO works every day to ensure the region's grid is reliable and the wholesale marketplace operates on a level playing field for all types of resources.
New England's markets are open to all types of clean resources, with solar, on- and off-shore wind, hydroelectric, energy storage, energy efficiency, and demand response all participating. Energy efficiency and demand response alone account for 11% of the region's capacity.