June 29, 2024
Global Renewable News

New Resilient Maryland Pilot Funds Planning and Design for Clean Generation

March 9, 2020

In effort to expedite Maryland's clean energy future, the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) has launched the new Resilient Maryland pilot program that combines clean energy technology such as combined heat and power, energy storage, solar and similar technologies to enable essential services and organizations to resist power disruptions and outages. Applications are due by May 1, 2020, click here

"Maryland's clean energy future needs to move forward and Resilient Maryland encourages this progress by providing vital funding to kick-start customized projects,"said Governor Larry Hogan. "Our push for clean energy ensures a more environmentally sustainable, more resilient and more prosperous Maryland." 

Resilient Mayland encourages clean energy technologies such as advanced combined heat and power, microgrids, resiliency hubs and resilient facility power systems. Sample projects include local governments seeking to bolster essential services (e.g., emergency shelters, fire/rescue) or economic development; low and moderate-income communities establishing safe shelters; or hospitals and retirement communities requiring islanding capabilities to reduce loss of life during emergencies. Any organization seeking affordable and clean energy that is highly reliable and resilient can benefit from this pilot program.

"Historically, Maryland has imported most of our energy from out of state coal-fired power plants," explained MEA Director Mary Beth Tung."The Resilient Maryland pilot offers a unique opportunity for innovation right here in Maryland across a variety of clean energy alternatives, reducing both financial risk and total project costs."

The pilot program incorporates input from local stakeholders interested in developing new clean or distributed energy resources projects that provide broad benefits. Co-locating energy generation near customers will help businesses, governments, and other organizations mitigate power outages and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

On behalf of Governor Hogan, the mission of the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) is to promote affordable, reliable and cleaner energy for the benefit of all Marylanders. To achieve its mission, MEA advises the Governor, General Assembly on matters relating to energy policy. MEA administers grant and loan programs to encourage clean and renewab;e energy technologies in all sectors of Maryland's economy: Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, and Transportation. For more information about the Maryland Energy Administration, please visit Energy.Maryland.gov.

Media contact: Kaymie Owen, CMP 443-694-3651 

For more information

Maryland Energy Administration
60 W St
Annapolis Maryland
United States 21401

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