October 6, 2024
Global Renewable News

CPS Energy Reminds Customers of Ways to Save Energy and Money this Summer
The utility has completed plant inspections and increased energy reserves for summer demand

June 19, 2023

By Milady Nazir

As San Antonio reaches high temperatures this week, CPS Energy reminds customers of its color-coded conservation system, aimed at helping control energy bills, conserve energy, and support state grid reliability.

The program, launched last summer, consists of four color-coded energy conservation levels which guide customers through simple conservation tips. Each day, CPS Energy will communicate the conservation level through the company's website, electronic billboard messages, social media, and various other public outreach efforts.

As temperatures rise, today (June 15) and the rest of the week are designated as yellow days. Yellow days encourage more energy conservation between the times of 3 -8 p.m. or when energy demand is at its highest. Customers should raise thermostats if safe to do so, charge electric vehicles at night and avoid using large appliances such as washers, dryers, and ovens during times of peak energy demand. As a reminder, CPS Energy will not disconnect customers during extreme weather events, such as heat advisories.

"Energy savings and maintaining grid reliability are important to our customers. For this reason, we remind the community that the cheapest and cleanest form of energy is the megawatt we don't use. We encourage our customers to work with us again this summer to conserve daily," said CPS Energy President & CEO, Rudy D. Garza.

CPS Energy is prepared to meet the region's increased energy demand as a result of high temperatures and population growth. The utility acquired about 23% more energy capacity, enough to power about an additional 260,000 homes. CPS Energy has also completed plant maintenance as part of ERCOT's June 1, 2023, deadline and obligations. The utility detailed its summer preparedness efforts during the May Board of Trustees meeting.  

"Our teams have worked hard to ensure we are prepared to provide reliable energy to our community this summer," said Rudy D. Garza, President & CEO of CPS Energy. "Last summer proved to be one of the hottest on record, but we kept the lights on. We've done what we need to do on our end for them to stay on again this summer."

The utility reminds customers to sign up for Energy Alerts and follow CPS Energy's outage map and social media for updates. Customers can also utilize Manage My Account to view their energy usage and access more energy savings tips. 

For more information about CPS Energy's summer readiness efforts, click here. To learn more about the Beat the Heat campaign with energy conservation and bill savings, click here.

About CPS Energy

Established in 1860, CPS Energy is the nation's largest community-owned provider of electric and natural gas services.  We provide safe, reliable, and competitively priced services to 907,526 electric and 373,998 natural gas customers in San Antonio and portions of seven adjoining counties. Our customers' combined energy bills rank among the lowest of the nation's 20 largest cities while generating $9 billion in revenue for the City of San Antonio over the last 80 years.  Our Vision 2027 strategic plan is designed to guide CPS Energy through rapid transformational change in our city.  As a trusted and reliable community partner, we continuously focus on job creation, economic development, and educational investment.  We are powered by our skilled workforce, whose commitment to the community is demonstrated through our employees' volunteerism, our community engagement efforts and programs aimed at bringing value and assistance to our customers.

For more information

CPS Energy
145 Navarro
San Antonio Texas
United States 78296-1771

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