January 30, 2025
Global Renewable News

Hydrogen Roadmap released

February 1, 2024

The provincial government has released its Hydrogen Roadmap, which is part of its clean energy strategy, Powering our Economy and the World with Clean Energy - Our Path Forward to 2035.

The roadmap is a five-year plan outlining 13 actions, using the province's location, natural resources and existing capabilities, to develop the hydrogen industry and position New Brunswick as a leader in producing hydrogen for consumption domestically and abroad.

"The New Brunswick Hydrogen Roadmap will serve as the foundation for developing a viable and sustainable hydrogen industry in our province that drives economic development and supports a critical part of our climate change action plan and our energy strategy," said Natural Resources and Energy Development Minister Mike Holland. "Hydrogen is a rapidly emerging solution for carbon emission reduction. We intend to grow our province's position as a leader of clean energy solutions while continuing to diversify our energy mix to ensure affordable and reliable energy that will meet the needs of New Brunswickers."

Holland said hydrogen has many advantages and is suited for long-distance trucking and heavy transportation applications. Where industrial energy processes require intense heat, hydrogen can be used to replace natural gas.

"As we build on our strengths, develop new economic opportunities and work toward establishing a clean, diverse and secure energy future for New Brunswick, hydrogen will play an important role," said Greg Turner, minister responsible for Opportunities NB. "The New Brunswick Hydrogen Roadmap is our blueprint for developing a viable and sustainable hydrogen industry here in New Brunswick and will be instrumental in accelerating private sector interest in New Brunswick's key energy projects."

The roadmap is available online.

For more information

Government of New Brunswick


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