July 2, 2024
Global Renewable News

City's New Climate and Environment Strategy Aims to Build a Resilient, Low Carbon Community

June 24, 2024

City Council endorsed the City of North Vancouver's new Climate and Environment Strategy on June 17, 2024. This long-term strategy will be the City's guide for making decisions that foster a resilient urban and natural environment, today and over the coming decade.

"In recent years we have all experienced extreme weather as a result of climate change," said Mayor Linda Buchanan. "Local responses to this global challenge are crucial because they give communities the tools they need to address their unique context. By adopting this comprehensive Climate & Environment Strategy, we are empowering people and businesses to be a part of the solution. Identifying priority actions is a decisive step forward towards a resilient, low carbon future and ensuring that the City of North Vancouver remains a healthy, vibrant and sustainable place for generations to come."

The Strategy sets policy directions through four pathways:

  • Less Grey, More Green: Restore, protect, and enhance natural areas and biodiversity on public and private property.
  • Climate Resilient Buildings: Transition to a resilient building stock through improvements to new and existing buildings.
  • Connected Neighbourhoods: Build compact and mixed-use communities that support zero emission and active modes of transportation.
  • Empowered Choices: Foster a low-impact and circular economy that empowers our community to move to a zero carbon and zero waste future.

To get us to net zero emissions by 2050, the Strategy includes an implementation plan - with targets and metrics for monitoring and reporting, and priority projects - which will drive action and accountability. Targets include:

  • Grow the City's urban tree canopy coverage to 22-24 per cent by 2035;
  • Low-carbon heat to supply 40 per cent of the Community Energy System by 2027, and 60 per cent by 2030;
  • 50 per cent of trips in the City are taken by walking, rolling and transit by 2030; and 
  • Annual increase of prefabricated construction projects in the City.

"Realizing these goals is only possible if we come together as a community to innovate, collaborate, and implement climate solutions," added Mayor Buchanan. "We have shown that in times of great uncertainty we can harness our resilience to emerge stronger. With this new strategy in hand, we have a new opportunity to work together to advance as a healthy, caring, and sustainable community for all people."

The full Climate and Environment Strategy is available on the City's website at cnv.org/EnvironmentStrategy

Part of the City's Policy Landscape

The Climate and Environment Strategy is the latest in a series of City policies to guide the City's next decade of planning, decision-making, and action in key areas, including Mobility, Economic, Public Safety, Parks and Public Space, Infrastructure and Phasing, and Community Wellbeing Strategies. These Strategies support the Official Community Plan, Council's Strategic Plan, Corporate Business Plan, and the City's Financial Plan.

More Information

Learn more about the Climate and Environment Strategy at cnv.org/EnvironmentStrategy. For questions, please contact the Planning and Development Department at environment@cnv.org or call 604-985-7761.

For more information

City of North Vancouver
141 W 14th Street
North Vancouver British Columbia
Canada V7M 1H9

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