June 16, 2024
Global Renewable News

ROSATOM has completed the first phase of wind turbines' commissioning at its wind farm at Adygea

January 8, 2020
ROSATOM has completed the first phase of wind turbines' commissioning at its wind farm at Adygea. This marks an important milestone in further development of low-carbon programs at ROSATOM.
Adygea Wind Farm with total capacity of 150 MW, which construction has been recently completed at Shovgenovsky and Giaginsky districts of the Republic of Adygea, proved its readiness to produce electricity. 
At this stage, the operational performance of the first 13 wind turbines (WT) with installed capacity of 32.5 MW was duly checked, thus proving the operational worthiness of the technology chosen by ROSATOM and readiness of all the wind turbines' systems for entry into service.

"The successful completion of the first stage is a significant milestone in the implementation of the green square' concept - the commitment of ROSATOM to development of low-carbon energy projects. Our new wind farm uses a number of innovative technologies. The technologies, for which Russia becomes a premier stage for large-scale operation. It is important to notice, that the construction of the Adygea Wind Power Plant allowed ROSATOM to acquire the whole range of completely new competencies in wind energy, allowing us to lay groundwork for further development of this new promising segment of low-carbon energy. There is a lot of work ahead to obtain permits for permanent operation and bring the project to the wholesale electricity market. The second and third phases are planned for January 2020," said Alexander Korchagin, Director General of NovaWind, the wind energy division of ROSATOM.

For reference: 
NovaWind JSC is a ROSATOM division for implementation of the wind power projects. In total, until 2023 companies in the control circuit of NovaWind JSC will build wind power stations with a total capacity of 1GW. Wind power stations will appear in the Republic of Adygea, the Stavropol Krai and the Rostov Region. NovaWind JSC is an equal shareholder of a joint venture with the Dutch technology partner Lagerwey. The joint venture, Red Wind B.V., was established in November 2017. Red Wind is in charge of the marketing, sales, and delivery of turnkey wind turbine projects.

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