March 14, 2025
Global Renewable News

Cook County, Illinois Announces Agreement with Constellation for Renewable Energy

August 14, 2023
Cook County, Illinois announced an agreement with Constellation (NASDAQ: CEG), the nation's largest producer of carbon-free energy, to purchase zero-emission, renewable energy equivalent to the annual electricity use of 18 of its county-owned-and-operated buildings. 

Cook County has entered into a 12-year agreement set to begin in March 2025. As part of the retail agreement with Constellation, Cook County will receive energy and renewable energy certificates (RECs) to match the energy use at public buildings including health clinics, office buildings, highway maintenance facilities, public safety buildings and warehouses.

Backed by Cook County's commitment, Constellation has entered into a separate long-term power purchase agreement to procure 24 MW of renewable energy from Swift Current Energy, who will own and operate Double Black Diamond Solar located in Morgan and Sangamon Counties, Illinois. Construction of the solar project started in March 2023 and by its completion, Double Black Diamond is expected to be one of the largest solar projects in the US with 593 MW of renewable energy generation. 

Through the agreement with Constellation, Cook County is meeting several Clean Energy Plan Goals such as helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the energy use of 4,733 households each year, according to U.S. EPA greenhouse gas equivalencies. Cook County has achieved a 44% greenhouse gas reduction to date from a 2010 baseline, meaning less renewable energy needs to be purchased to meet the Clean Energy Plan commitment for electricity to be 100% renewable by 2030 for County owned-and-operated buildings. 

"Cook County is a great example of civic leadership through embracing sustainable energy sources, while supporting a newly constructed renewable resource," stated Jim McHugh, Chief Commercial Officer at Constellation. "We take pride in guiding Cook County on a path towards sustainability and providing a carbon-free energy solution to reduce harmful emissions. Residents can applaud these strong actions taken by Cook County leadership to combat the climate crisis."

This transaction also includes impacts above and beyond the provision of renewable energy.   Constellation and Swift Current Energy have committed a combined $432,000 to support local solar and energy job training programs, environmental biodiversity and habitat protection for the solar site, and local economic development through job creation. Most of the modules that Swift Current Energy procured for the project were made in the U.S. Additionally, the project is employing approximately 450 craftspeople at peak construction.

"Any time we can achieve our sustainability goals, while also bringing economic development to our communities, we consider it a huge step forward." said President Toni Preckwinkle, "The co-benefits secured for this agreement mean investment in jobs, training, and domestic manufacturing, and the energy savings and environmental effects are monumental. I am proud that Cook County is a leader for not just sustainability, but in agreements that benefit the community as well. 

"Double Black Diamond will deliver significant benefits to the state of Illinois during both its construction and operation." said Eric Lammers, CEO and Co-Founder, Swift Current Energy. "We are proud to be constructing the Double Black Diamond Solar project with skilled craftspeople and with components made in America, and we are delighted to add Cook County as an important customer."

The remainder of the County's goal for building electricity use to be 100% renewable by 2030 will be met by energy efficiency projects, on-site solar installations, and future off-site renewable energy agreements.


About Constellation 

A Fortune 200 company headquartered in Baltimore, Constellation Energy Corporation (Nasdaq: CEG) is the nation's largest producer of clean, carbon-free energy and a leading supplier of energy products and services to businesses, homes, community aggregations and public sector customers across the continental United States, including three fourths of Fortune 100 companies. With annual output that is nearly 90% carbon-free, our hydro, wind and solar facilities paired with the nation's largest nuclear fleet have the generating capacity to power the equivalent of 15 million homes, providing about 10% of the nation's clean energy. We are further accelerating the nation's transition to a carbon-free future by helping our customers reach their sustainability goals, setting our own ambitious goal of achieving 100% carbon-free generation by 2040, and by investing in promising emerging technologies to eliminate carbon emissions across all sectors of the economy. Follow Constellation on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Inquiries
David Marcheskie

For more information

100 Constellation Way
Baltimore Maryland
United States 21202

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