June 8, 2024
Global Renewable News

Hydropower Station in Georgia Inaugurated

November 17, 2022

Akhalkalaki hydropower station

The hydropower station Akhalkalaki HPP in Georgia, partly owned by Landsvirkjun which also partook in the hydropower station's construction, will commence its operations at an inauguration ceremony tomorrow, 5 November. The hydropower station's installed capacity is just under 10 MW and 50 GWh of renewable energy will be generated annually. The Project was also aimed at developing related infrastructure in the hydropower station's local community, e.g., an irrigation system and potable water mains.

Landsvirkjun's share of ownership is held by its subsidiary, Landsvirkjun Power, which manages the Company's international projects. The main purpose of Landsvirkjun Power is to spread the specialised knowledge that has pooled in Iceland in the field of renewable energy sources, thus, supporting the global energy transition. Landsvirkjun Power provides consultancy services for the initial stages, construction, and operations of renewable power plant options, as well as partaking in their development.

The Icelandic engineering consultancy, Verkís, worked closely with Landsvirkjun Power on the Akhalkalaki HPP Project. Verkís designed the hydropower plant. Ownership of the Project is divided between Caucasus Clean Energy Holding, which exclusively invests in the hydropower sector in Georgia, LPV Co, owned by Landsvirkjun Power and Verkís, and Hydro Energy, a Georgian company, specially established for the initial stages of the Project.

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