June 11, 2024
Global Renewable News

Port of Milford Haven launches Green Energy Fund

April 26, 2022

The Port of Milford Haven has launched a new Green Energy Fund to help community groups.

With a maximum allocation of £5,000 per project, the fund is designed to support third sector organisations in reducing carbon emissions, waste or improving energy efficiency. Charities, voluntary organisations, community groups, social enterprises and not-for-profit organisations that are working within Pembrokeshire are eligible to apply.

Lauren Williams, Community Engagement Assistant at the Port, said "We are always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to Net Zero targets set by the UK and Welsh Governments. We recognise that many other organisations are also environmentally conscientious so we want to help them make savings and improvements through this new initiative. Not only will this benefit them in the short term, but will no doubt improve the sustainability of places like community centres long into the future to be enjoyed by the next generation."

The Port's Energy Development Manager, Tam Bardell, has welcomed the new Green Energy Fund, commenting "We are making great strides in harnessing renewable energy, for example we have a 20,000 panel solar park at Liddeston Ridge, the Milford Haven: Energy Kingdom project is demonstrating how hydrogen can help decarbonise heat, power and transport, and the £60 million Pembroke Dock Marine project at Pembroke Port will create a centre of excellence for the marine renewables industry. With all of this in mind, we felt it was an obvious step to launch a fund that will help others in our community to become more sustainable."

Applications will be assessed on a quarterly basis by a panel of Port employees. The deadline for the first round of the fund is Friday 24th June. To apply visit www.mhpa.co.uk/green-energy-fund.

 Pembroke Dock Marine is a partnership project between the Port of Milford Haven, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult, Marine Energy Wales and Celtic Sea Power. It is funded by the UK Government and Welsh Government through the Swansea Bay City Deal, and through the public and private sectors. It is also part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.

For more information

Marine Energy Wales


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