June 25, 2024
Global Renewable News

Promoting the use of biogas in public transport

August 27, 2018

The town of Ipswich, UK, has recently joined the list of cities promoting green public transport. During six weeks, some of the double-decker buses covering one of the main town routes have been running on biogas. Encouraging the use of biogas in public transport to reduce emissions is a very positive initiative from local authorities to lead by example. It  shows citizens about the importance of getting involved in the current energy transition and promote sustainable development.

The six-weeks trial started on 3rd June and covered the route from Ipswich's town centre to Ipswich hospital. Biogas fuelled buses reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 84% compared to regular diesel.  The vehicles operate on biogas produced from waste, including household waste and wastewater. This initiative has been developed by Scania, manufacturer of commercial vehicles, in partnership with the bus building company Alexander Dennis.

For Danielle Devonish, marketing manager at Ipswich buses, biogas powered buses are a strong contender on how these vehicles will be powered in the future. There has been a big interest, she said, from passengers and members of the general public on the environmental impact of these buses and on understanding how they are powered.

Click here to read the full story.

For more information

European Biogas Association
