March 6, 2025
Global Renewable News

Veolia and Innargi join forces in geothermal project for Lódz, Poland

October 31, 2024

Veolia Energia Polska, Veolia Energia Lódz, Innargi and the City of Lódz have signed a letter of intent aiming to launch a joint project regarding the exploration and use of geothermal resources in Lódz. The geothermal project can supply renewable energy to the Lódz district heating system, contribute to its decarbonisation, the green transition of Lódz and increase the city's energy independence. The parties envisage a long-term partnership that should result in the supply of approximately 200 MW of geothermal energy.

Veolia Energia Polska and Veolia Energia Lódz have entered into a strategic partnership with Innargi and the City of Lódz to help develop geothermal energy in Lódz. The purpose of the project is to supply geothermal heat to the district heating network managed by Veolia Energia Lódz. The project is one of the elements of the decarbonisation of the Lódz district heating system and improvement of energy efficiency through renewable energy sources. This approach is consistent with Veolia's energy transition strategy. The parties envisage a partnership that could result in the supply of approximately 200 MW of geothermal energy.

Europe still has untapped geothermal heating potential. The main obstacles are significant investment costs and geological conditions. An innovative approach by the Danish company Innargi may change the situation. Innargi, a leader in the geothermal sector, is currently working in Denmark on the largest geothermal heating plant project in the European Union. The company has introduced a new business model that treats geothermal energy as a service. This concept ensures that Veolia does not have to bear the high investment costs associated with geological surveys, infrastructure construction and exploitation of the deposit.

This solution can open a new chapter for district heating, and make geothermal a more accessible and attractive alternative to district heating networks. Innargi's model reduces financial and operational risks and at the same time allows users to enjoy a clean, renewable energy source.

A letter of intent concerning partnership in a geothermal project was signed by the parties today (Oct 30) during the Lódz Geothermal Conference.

"Our goal is to provide residents with clean, stable heat that is resilient to the volatility of energy markets. Veolia continuously strives to introduce green solutions and the geothermal project is a proof of our commitment to an efficient energy transition and aligns very well with our global GreenUp strategy. Geothermal is another project we want to carry out with the City of Lódz in the area of district heating and the environmental challenges facing both the energy industry and local governments."

Luiz Hanania

CEO of the Veolia Group in Poland and President of the Management Board

A new era of sustainable energy in Lódz

Veolia Energia Łódź, a manufacturer of district heat and electricity, is responsible for supplying heat to the majority of households in Łódź as well as key public facilities and industrial plants. The geothermal project is part of the company's long-term strategy, aimed at decarbonisation through, for example, the development of renewable and cost-competitive energy sources. Geothermal energy is not dependent on weather conditions and in the future may become an important pillar of the Łódź district heating system.

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