September 30, 2024
Global Renewable News

O&R Seeks New Grid Support Technology for Mountain Lodge Park; Plan Saves Money, Maintains Service, Reduces Power Plant Emissions

January 8, 2020
Orange and Rockland (O&R) wants to help customers in its Mountain Lodge service area in Blooming Grove to take advantage of innovative ways to reduce the amount of electricity they need from the power grid.

The company is asking prospective business partners to provide proposals on how they can help supplement customers' electric service in Mountain Lodge Park by installing solar panels, energy efficient equipment, batteries or other local distributed energy resources.

O&R wants to reduce peak electric consumption from the power grid in this area by 350 kilowatts for approximately 777 residential customers and 15 commercial customers.

O&R will take the best ideas and consider incentives for business and residential customers who are willing to participate.  Rather than adding infrastructure, the company's new initiative leverages third party energy solutions to meet increasing electric demand that is expected to exceed the local distribution circuits' capacity within the next few years.

"New technologies give us new options," said O&R Vice President - Operations Francis W. Peverly. "Using those options, we can work with customers to help them manage their usage, get renewable energy and reduce monthly bills."

Much like the energy efficiency programs O&R offers to its individual customers, this new approach saves money for customers, helps O&R maintain reliable service and reduces emissions from power plants --- only on a much larger scale.

O&R has identified other locations where the company can work with customers to reduce their need for grid power and plans releasing additional requests for proposals. Click here for more information about the Mountain Lodge Park proposal.

About Orange & Rockland

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. (O&R), a wholly owned subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc., one of the nation's largest investor-owned energy companies, is a regulated utility. O&R provides electric service to approximately 300,000 customers in southeastern New York State (where its franchise name is Orange & Rockland) and northern New Jersey (where it's Rockland Electric Company) and natural gas service to approximately 130,000 customers in New York

For more information

Orange and Rockland Utilities

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