The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has granted a trial waiver to PLUS ES to install up to 1,000 kerbside, pole-mounted electric vehicle (EV) chargers across NSW and SA.
PLUS ES, a ringfenced entity of Ausgrid, has previously been awarded funding from the NSW Government to deploy pole-mounted kerbside chargers under round 1 of its Kerbside Charging Grant program.
The AER's waiver will enable PLUS ES to trial an innovative metering solution for pole-mounted kerbside EV chargers that improves the efficiency and cost of public EV chargers.
This is achieved by packaging the metering and charging elements in a single EV charging unit.
AER Chair Clare Savage said the decision to grant the waiver reinforced the AER's commitment to considering solutions that benefit consumers and the market.
"I'm really pleased to announce this trial waiver for PLUS ES and look forward to seeing how consumers use and engage with these chargers, and learning from the trial what the possible benefits of using this type of metering technology could be.
"This is the second waiver the AER has granted through the Energy Innovation Toolkit, which is available to established and emerging energy market participants to test ideas that are not currently allowed by the regulatory framework.
"We want to challenge perceptions that regulations can be a barrier to innovation. Through our regulatory sandboxing approach we want to hear new ideas to trial solutions that are in the long-term interests of consumers," said Ms Savage.
Beyond the potential cost and efficiency benefits to consumers, the trial of these meters will provide the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) with data on the performance of these meters to inform its updated Metrology Procedure.
This Procedure will, in turn, inform AEMO's implementation of the Australian Energy Market Commission's (AEMC) Unlocking Consumer Energy Resources (CER) benefits through flexible trading rule change.
Valid for five years, the waiver is subject to a range of conditions, including reporting on any technical issues with the meters, customer complaints, the progress of rollout and the outcomes of the trial.
Energy Innovation Toolkit and Regulatory Sandboxing
Established in August 2022, the Energy Innovation Toolkit is led by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) and supported by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC), the Essential Services Commission of Victoria (ESC), and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). The Toolkit forms part of the AER's Regulatory Sandboxing function.
In February 2025, the AER signalled a new approach to testing and trialling new ideas in the energy market with the introduction of policy-led sandboxing. Read more and access the paper here.
About the trial waiver
PLUS ES (the trial proponent), a metering coordinator part-owned by Ausgrid under ringfenced arrangements, lodged an application for a trial waiver with the AER through the Energy Innovation Toolkit on 29 August 2024.
The proposed trial project relates to the installation of pole-mounted electric vehicle EV chargers within three distribution network service provider areas in NSW and SA.
PLUS ES intends to partner with distribution network service providers (DNSPs) to lease space on power poles and streetlights to install up to 1,000, 7-22 kW single or double port kerbside EV chargers. These will be operated by a retail partner appointed by PLUS ES.
This trial authorises the installation of a new kind of within-charger smart meter that removes the need to install a separate metering enclosure box directly about the EV charger. It does not authorise the installation of chargers or meters, as PLUS ES is already permitted to undertake these activities.
The trial waiver also does not change Ausgrid's obligations to comply with ringfencing and other regulatory obligations.