September 24, 2024
Global Renewable News

City launching ChargeYYC to help Calgarians install electric vehicle chargers in multi-residential buildings

September 17, 2024

The City of Calgary is launching the first phase of ChargeYYC, a new pilot program that provides funding to Calgarians living in condos, apartments, townhouses, rowhouses, and other multi-residential buildings, to install electric vehicle chargers in their buildings. ChargeYYC is part of The City's ongoing commitment to prepare for the future of mobility and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Calgary.

Starting Sept. 24, 2024, residents of multi-unit residential buildings (with the permission of the building owners) can apply for up to $4,000 to work with a qualified professional to develop a customized electric vehicle charger installation plan for their building. These plans will help reduce the initial costs and address complexities associated with installing electric vehicle chargers, making it easier for Calgarians living in multi-residential buildings to own and operate electric vehicles.

"Helping remove barriers and installing electric vehicle chargers in multi-residential buildings is a key step in supporting the growing number of Calgarians who are choosing electric vehicles" says Mariam Bello, Mobility Policy Engineer for The City. "The ChargeYYC Multi-Residential Pilot is designed to prepare building and homeowners for the future of mobility while also helping to inform the future of City policy on electric vehicle charging."

Motor vehicles are one of Calgary's main sources of community greenhouse gas emissions, at 33 per cent annually. One of the pathways to meeting the mobility goals outlined in the Calgary Climate Strategy is to support Calgarians to transition to vehicles with low or no greenhouse gas emissions, such as electric vehicles.

"Lack of access to at-home charging is a barrier for many people who want to switch to an electric vehicle," says Claire Beckstead, Leader of Community Energy for The City, "We've created ChargeYYC to help address the unique home charging challenges for Calgarians who live in multi-residential buildings."  

ChargeYYC will help building owners get started on the journey to install electric vehicle chargers. The first phase of the program focuses on providing financial support to create plans for installing electric vehicle chargers. The next phase, beginning in 2025, will focus on financial incentives for a limited number of projects to install the charging equipment, based on the recommendations of the plans from the first phase.

To learn more about the application process, the benefits of ChargeYYC, and to apply for funding, visit

For more information

City of Calgary
Box 2100 Postal Stn. M
Calgary Alberta
Canada T2P 2M5

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